
SEC Chairman Gary Gensler Clarifies Stance on Bitcoin and Spot Bitcoin ETF Approvals



In the wake of the recent approval of spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs), U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman Gary Gensler has issued a statement to clarify the regulator's stance on bitcoin and cryptocurrency. While approving spot bitcoin ETFs, Gensler emphasizes that this does not signify the SEC's endorsement of bitcoin or other crypto assets. Instead, he highlights the importance of remaining cautious due to the numerous risks associated with these digital assets.


Chairman Gensler begins his statement by acknowledging the approval of a number of spot bitcoin exchange-traded product (ETP) shares by the Commission. However, he points out that the SEC has previously disapproved more than 20 exchange rule filings for spot bitcoin ETPs since 2018. Gensler highlights a recent U.S. Court of Appeals ruling that found fault with the SEC's explanation for disapproving Grayscale's proposed ETP, leading to the decision to approve the listing and trading of spot bitcoin ETP shares.


SEC's Stance on Crypto Assets

Gensler clarifies that the approval of spot bitcoin ETFs does not signify the SEC's willingness to approve listing standards for crypto asset securities. He emphasizes that the decision does not reflect the SEC's views on the status of other crypto assets under federal securities laws or the non-compliance of certain market participants with these laws. Gensler reiterates his longstanding belief that most crypto tokens are investment contracts and should be subject to federal laws.

Investor Caution

While the SEC has approved the listing and trading of spot bitcoin ETP shares, Gensler emphasizes that this does not amount to an approval or endorsement of bitcoin itself. He urges investors to exercise caution and be aware of the myriad risks associated with bitcoin and products tied to cryptocurrencies. Gensler's warnings align with his recent social media posts, where he highlighted various risks in the crypto industry and offered investment advice for crypto investors.


SEC Chairman Gary Gensler's statement regarding the approval of spot bitcoin ETFs clarifies the regulator's stance on bitcoin and crypto assets. While the approval signifies a shift in the SEC's approach, Gensler emphasizes that it does not imply an endorsement of bitcoin or other crypto assets. Investors are urged to exercise caution and consider the risks associated with these digital assets. The SEC's decision sets the stage for further developments in the evolving landscape of cryptocurrency regulation.

What are your thoughts on SEC Chairman Gary Gensler's statement about bitcoin and spot bitcoin ETF approvals? Share your opinions in the comments section below.

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of IRA is best?

When choosing an IRA, it is important to choose one that suits your lifestyle and goals. You need to decide whether you want to maximize tax deduction on your contributions, minimize taxes now but pay penalties later, and if you just want to avoid taxes.

The Roth option can be a smart choice if your retirement savings are limited and you don't have any other investments. The Roth option is also a smart choice if you work beyond the age of 59 1/2 and plan to pay income tax on any withdrawals.

If you plan on retiring early, the traditional IRA may be better because you'll likely owe any taxes on the earnings. But if you're going to work well past age 65, the Roth IRA might make more sense since it allows you to withdraw some or all of your earnings without paying taxes.

Do you need to open a Precious Metal IRA

The answer depends on whether you have an investment goal and how much risk tolerance you are willing to take.

Register now if you want to save money for retirement.

Because precious metals are highly likely to appreciate over time, They offer diversification advantages.

Furthermore, the prices of gold and silver tend to move together. This makes them better choices when you want to invest in both assets.

Do not invest in precious metals IRAs if your goal is to save money or take on any risk.

Can I put gold in my IRA?

Yes, it is possible! You can add gold into your retirement plan. Because gold doesn't lose its value over time, it is an excellent investment. It is also resistant to inflation. You don't even have to pay taxes.

Before investing in gold, you need to know that it's not like other investments. You cannot purchase shares of gold companies like bonds and stocks. Nor can you sell them.

Instead, you should convert your gold to cash. This means that it will be necessary to dispose of the gold. You cannot just keep it.

This makes gold different from other investments. Like other investments, you can always dispose of them later. That's not true with gold.

Worse, the gold cannot be used as collateral for loans. For example, if a mortgage is taken out, you may have to sell some of your gold in order for the loan to be paid.

What does that mean? You can't just keep your gold forever. It will eventually have to be converted into cash.

You don't need to worry. You only need to open an IRA account. After that, you can start investing in gold.

How much do gold IRA fees cost?

The average annual fee of an individual retirement account is $1,000. There are many types of IRAs available, including traditional, Roth, SEP and SIMPLE IRAs. Each type of IRA has its own rules and requirements. If your investments are not tax-deferred, you might have to pay taxes on the earnings. The amount of time you intend to keep the money must be considered. If you are planning to hold onto your money for a longer time, you will likely save more money opening a Traditional IRA than a Roth IRA.

You can contribute up to $5500 per year to a traditional IRA (or $6500 if you are 50 or older). A Roth IRA allows you to contribute unlimited amounts every year. The difference between them? With a traditional IRA, the money can be withdrawn at your retirement without tax. On the other hand, you'll owe taxes on any withdrawals made from a Roth IRA.

How to Open a Precious Metal IRA

A self-directed Roth Individual Retirement Account is the best way to open a IRA for precious metals.

This type account is better than others because you don’t have any tax on the interest that you earn from investments until you remove them.

This makes it very attractive to people who want to save money but also need a tax break.

There are many other options than investing in gold and silver. You can invest anywhere you wish, as long as it is within the IRS guidelines.


Although most people think of gold and silver when they hear the term “precious metal,” there are many kinds of precious metals.

You can find examples in palladium (platinum), rhodium (osmium), iridium and ruthenium.

There are many ways that you can invest precious metals. There are two main options: buying bullion bars and coins, and purchasing shares in mining companies.

Bullion Coins & Bars

The easiest way to invest in precious materials is to buy bullion coins or bars. Bullion is a general term that refers to physical ounces of gold and silver.

Bullion bars and bullion coins are actual pieces of the metal.

While you might not see any change in your pocket after you purchase bullion coins and bars at a store, you will notice some benefits over time.

You'll be able to see a piece tangible of history. Each coin and bar is unique.

The face value of a coin will often be lower than its nominal worth. When it was first introduced in 1986, the American Eagle Silver Coin cost only $1.00 per troy ounce. Today, however the American Eagle's silver coin is worth closer to $40.00 an ounce.

Bullion has had a tremendous increase in its value since its introduction. This is why many investors choose bullion bars and bullion coin over futures.

Mining Companies

Another option for people who are interested in buying precious metals is to invest in shares of mining corporations. You invest in the company's ability produce gold and silver when you buy shares of mining companies.

You will then be entitled to dividends which are based upon the company’s profit. These dividends will then be paid out to shareholders.

In addition, you will benefit from the growth potential of the company. As demand for the product increases, so should the share prices of your company.

You should diversify because these stocks have a tendency to fluctuate in their prices. This allows you to spread your risk among multiple companies.

But, remember that mining companies, like all stock market investments, are susceptible to financial loss.

If gold prices drop significantly, your share of ownership could be worthless.

The Bottom Line

Precious metals such silver and gold provide an economic refuge from uncertainty.

Gold and silver can fluctuate in price. If you are interested in long-term investing in precious metals, open a precious Metals IRA account at a reputable firm.

You will be able to take advantage of tax incentives while also benefiting from physical assets.


  • The IRS also allows American Eagle coins, even though they do not meet gold's 99.5% purity standard. (
  • SEP-IRA”Simplified employee pension” For self-employed people like independent contractors, freelancers, and small-business ownersSame tax rules as traditional IRASEP IRA contributions in 2022 are limited to 25% of compensation or $66,000, whichever is less4. (
  • Depending on your financial situation, most experts recommend you invest no more than 5% to 10% of your retirement funds in precious metals. (
  • Silver must be 99.9% pure • (

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How To

Precious metals approved by the IRA

IRA-approved precious metallics are great investments, whether you want to save for retirement and invest in your next venture. Diversifying your portfolio can protect you from inflation with a variety of options, including silver coins and gold bars.

There are two types of precious metal investment products. Physical bullion products such as bars and coins are considered physical assets because they exist in tangible form. Exchange-traded Funds (ETFs), however, are financial instruments that track and report the price movements in an underlying asset. ETFs can track the movement of gold or other metals. ETFs trade like stocks on stock exchanges, which means investors can buy shares of them directly from the company issuing them.

There are many kinds of precious metals you can buy. Silver and gold are commonly used for jewellery making and decoration. However, platinum and palladium tend to be associated with luxury goods. Palladium holds its value better than that of platinum which makes it ideal to be used in industrial applications. While silver can be used for industrial purposes, it is more commonly preferred for decorative purposes.

Due to the high cost of refining and mining raw materials, physical bullion products are more expensive. They are safer than paper currencies, and offer buyers greater security. For example, consumers can lose confidence in the currency or look for alternative currencies when the U.S. dollars loses its purchasing power. Contrary to this, physical bullion does not rely on trust among countries or between companies. Instead, they have the backing of central banks and governments. This gives customers confidence.

The supply and demand for gold affect the price of gold. If demand rises, the price will increase. Conversely, if supply exceeds demands, the price will drop. This dynamic allows investors to profit when the gold price fluctuates. These fluctuations are good for investors who have physical bullion products as they get a better return on their investment.

Precious metals are not affected by interest rate changes or economic recessions, unlike traditional investments. The price of gold will rise as long as there is strong demand. Because of this, precious metals are considered safe havens during times of uncertainty.

The most well-known precious metals are:

  • Gold – Gold is the oldest precious metal. Gold is also called “yellow-metal”. While gold is a well-known element, it is very rare to find underground. Most of the world’s remaining gold reserves are found in South Africa.
  • Silver – After gold, silver is the second most precious precious metal. Silver is also mined from natural resources, just like gold. Unlike gold, however, silver is typically extracted from ore rather than from rock formations. Because of its durability and malleability, as well as resistance to tarnishing, silver is widely used in commerce and industry. The United States accounts for more than 98% global silver production.
  • Platinum – The third most precious precious metal is platinum. It can be used for industrial purposes, such as in fuel cells and catalytic converters. It is used in dentistry for dental crowns, fillings and bridges.
  • Palladium- Palladium, the fourth most precious precious metal, is Palladium. Due to its strength and stability, it is quickly gaining popularity among manufacturers. You can also use palladium in electronics, automotives, and military technology.
  • Rhodium – Rhodium has been ranked fifth among precious metals. Rhodium, although it is rare, is highly sought after for its use in automotive catalysts.
  • Ruthenium, the sixth most precious precious metal, is Ruthenium. There are limited quantities of platinum and palladium. However, ruthenium is abundant. It is used in steelmaking, chemical manufacturing, and engine design.
  • Iridium- Iridium, the seventh most precious precious metal, is also known as Iridium. Iridium is an essential component of satellite technology. It is used in the construction of orbiting satellites that transmit TV signals and telephone calls.
  • Osmium- Osmium ranks eighth in the list of most valuable precious metals. Osmium has a high resistance to extreme temperatures, which is why it is used frequently in nuclear reactors. Osmium is also used to make jewelry, medicine, and cutting tools.
  • Rhenium – Rhenium has been ranked as the ninth most valuable precious metallic. Rhenium can be used to refine oil and gas, make semiconductors and rocketry.
  • Iodine — Iodine has the highest value of all precious metals. Iodine has been used in radiography, pharmaceuticals, and photography.


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