
Bitcoin Magazine Partners with Unchained as Official Collaborative Custody and IRA Provider

Bitcoin Magazine is thrilled to announce its new partnership with Unchained, a leading Bitcoin financial services provider, as the Official Collaborative Custody and IRA partner in the United States. This partnership aims to revolutionize the way institutional and enterprise investors interact with Bitcoin and manage their assets.

A Better Way to Manage Bitcoin

Traditionally, investors have relied on large, publicly-traded custodians to handle their Bitcoin holdings. However, this approach comes with its limitations and risks. By relying on a single custodian, investors negate many of the benefits that Bitcoin offers and increase the risk of catastrophic loss, which has unfortunately been all too common in Bitcoin's history.


Recognizing the importance of properly holding Bitcoin, Bitcoin Magazine and Unchained introduce a better way to interact with the cryptocurrency through collaborative custody. This approach allows investors to eliminate custodial risk by taking ownership of their assets or distributing control among multiple trusted parties. Collaborative custody has gained traction as a superior risk management strategy.

Education and Empowerment

As part of this partnership, Bitcoin Magazine and Unchained will co-produce Bitcoin-only educational content. The goal is to help new and current Bitcoin investors access the best tools and methods to achieve their financial goals. The educational content will cover financial literacy, security, planning (including 401k, IRA, and inheritance), and provide best-in-class market research.

Additionally, Bitcoin Magazine and Unchained will release an Institutional Adoption Roadmap. This roadmap aims to guide financial institutions on how and why to interact with the Bitcoin network through collaborative custody. By providing comprehensive educational resources, Bitcoin Magazine and Unchained aim to empower investors and institutions to make informed decisions and fully leverage the potential of Bitcoin.

Exclusive Benefits for Customers

Bitcoin Magazine customers will enjoy exclusive discounts on Unchained's vault custody product, Bitcoin IRA services, and Signature – Unchained's full suite financial services package. On the other hand, Unchained's vault clients will receive complimentary access to Bitcoin Magazine Pro, the premier market research subscription, as well as issues of Bitcoin Magazine's printed publications. They will also receive discounts on passes to The Bitcoin Conference and access to invite-only events.

Shared Vision for Bitcoin

Joe Kelly, CEO of Unchained, expressed his belief in Bitcoin's transformative potential: "We believe that bitcoin is the most important thing to happen to money in hundreds of years. It enables a level of control and sovereignty over one’s finances that has never been available before." He emphasized the importance of avoiding single points of failure and the need to educate people on the best ways to interact with Bitcoin.

Mike Germano, President of Bitcoin Magazine, echoed this sentiment and emphasized the importance of education in the rapidly evolving Bitcoin landscape. He stated, "Bitcoin is hitting an inflection point with a new wave of retail and institutional investors entering the space. Because of that, we believe it’s more important than ever to educate people on how to best interact with this technology."

Pioneering the Future of Finance

Bitcoin Magazine and Unchained share a vision of Bitcoin as a revolutionary monetary system that will reshape global finance. To realize this vision, robust tools for secure and efficient capital management are essential. Unchained's unparalleled services play a pivotal role in empowering Bitcoin as a necessary asset for all investors, from institutions to individuals. The partnership between Bitcoin Magazine and Unchained aims to make this vision a reality.

For more information about this partnership, please visit

About Bitcoin Magazine

Bitcoin Magazine is the world's first publication dedicated to Bitcoin. Based in Nashville, Tennessee, Bitcoin Magazine serves an international readership with innovative ideas, breaking news, and impactful stories at the intersection of finance, technology, and Bitcoin. It is published by BTC Media, a leading media company in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space.


About Unchained

Unchained is a leading provider of Bitcoin financial services. Established in 2016, Unchained is among the top 5 Bitcoin platforms by assets secured, with over $4 billion worth of Bitcoin held. Unchained has helped thousands of individuals and businesses truly own their wealth by providing collaborative custody and a wide suite of financial services. Their collaborative custody model allows clients to benefit from self-custody while accessing essential financial services. For more information, please visit


How To

Gold IRAs are a growing trend

Investors are increasingly turning to gold IRAs as a way to diversify and protect their portfolios from inflation.

The gold IRA allows owners to invest in physical gold bullion and bars. This IRA can be used to grow your wealth tax-free and is an alternative option to stocks and bonds.

Investors can have confidence in their investments and avoid market volatility with a gold IRA. They can use the gold IRA to protect themselves against inflation and other potential problems.

Physical gold is also a great investment option, as it has unique properties like durability, portability, divisibility, and portability.

A gold IRA provides many additional benefits. One is the ability for heirs to quickly transfer ownership of gold. Another is the fact that gold is not considered a currency or a commodities by the IRS.

All this means that the gold IRA is becoming increasingly popular among investors seeking a haven during financial uncertainty.


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