Robert Kiyosaki Urges Investors to Prepare for Hyperinflation, Sees Bitcoin as the Ultimate Protection

In a world of economic uncertainty, renowned author Robert Kiyosaki, best known for his book "Rich Dad Poor Dad," is advising investors to take precautionary measures against hyperinflation. Kiyosaki firmly believes that bitcoin is the best form of protection in such challenging times. Having sold over 32 million copies in more than 109 countries, his book has become a trusted resource for financial education.

Insights from Robert Kiyosaki

Sharing his thoughts on social media platform X, Kiyosaki reflected on his recent visit to Germany to mark 100 years since the hyperinflationary period of 1923, which ultimately led to Adolf Hitler's rise to power. Drawing parallels to the present, he expressed concern over the competence of current government leaders and the potential for hyperinflation to occur again. He strongly advises investors to study the hyperinflation experiences of Germany and Zimbabwe as a means of preparation.

While acknowledging the value of essential commodities like food, guns, gold, and silver during periods of hyperinflation, Kiyosaki emphasizes that bitcoin stands out as the ultimate protection. According to him, bitcoin is decentralized and controlled by the people themselves, making it impervious to the whims of government leaders who often manipulate traditional currency values.

This is not the first time Kiyosaki has sounded the alarm on hyperinflation. In a previous interview, he explained that hyperinflation does not simply entail rising prices but rather a decline in the purchasing power of money. To safeguard against this, he advises investors to invest in assets like gold, silver, and bitcoin to secure their financial future. He firmly believes that these three investments offer stability and freedom.

Kiyosaki's concerns about hyperinflation are shared by other notable figures. Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey predicted that the United States and the world would experience hyperinflation in the near future. Venture capitalist Balaji Srinivasan has also voiced his belief that hyperinflation is currently unfolding. Economist Peter Schiff has warned that significant interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve carry the risk of hyperinflation.

What are your thoughts on Robert Kiyosaki's stance that bitcoin is the best protection against hyperinflation? Share your opinions in the comments below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible to hold a gold ETF within a Roth IRA

Although a 401k plan might not provide this option, you should still consider other options like an Individual Retirement Account (IRA).

A traditional IRA allows for contributions from both employer and employee. You can also invest in publicly traded businesses by creating an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP).

An ESOP can provide tax advantages, as employees are allowed to share in company stock and the profits generated by the business. The money invested in the ESOP is then taxed at lower rates than if it were held directly in the hands of the employee.

You can also get an Individual Retirement Annuity, or IRA. An IRA lets you make regular, income-generating payments to yourself over your life. Contributions to IRAs do not have to be taxable

Should You Buy Gold?

Gold was a safe investment option for those who were in financial turmoil. Many people are shifting away from traditional investments like bonds or stocks to instead look toward precious metals such gold.

The gold price has been in an upward trend for the past few years, but it remains relatively low compared with other commodities like silver or oil.

Experts believe this could change soon. They believe gold prices could increase dramatically if there is another global financial crises.

They also noted that gold is growing in popularity because of its perceived value as well as potential return.

These are some things you should consider when considering gold investing.

  • Before you start saving money for retirement, think about whether you really need it. It is possible to save enough money to retire without investing in gold. Gold does offer an extra layer of protection for those who reach retirement age.
  • You should also be aware of what you are getting into before you buy gold. There are many types of gold IRA accounts. Each offers varying levels of flexibility and security.
  • Last but not least, gold doesn't provide the same level security as a savings account. If you lose your gold coins, you may never recover them.

Do your research before you buy gold. Make sure to protect any gold you already own.

How much do gold IRA fees cost?

A monthly fee of $6 for an Individual Retirement Account is charged. This includes account maintenance fees and investment costs for your chosen investments.

If you wish to diversify your portfolio, you may need to pay additional fees. The fees you pay will vary depending on the type of IRA that you choose. Some companies offer free check accounts, but charge monthly fee for IRA accounts.

Most providers also charge an annual management fee. These fees can range from 0% up to 1%. The average rate per year is.25%. However, these rates are typically waived if you use a broker like TD Ameritrade.

Which precious metal is best to invest in?

This question is dependent on the amount of risk you are willing and able to accept as well as the type of return you desire. Gold is a traditional haven investment. However, it is not always the most profitable. Gold may not be right for you if you want quick profits. Silver is a better investment if you have patience and the time to do it.

If you don't care about getting rich quickly, gold is probably the way to go. If you are looking for a long-term investment that will provide steady returns, silver may be a better choice.

What Is a Precious Metal IRA?

An IRA with precious metals allows you to diversify retirement savings into gold and silver, palladium, rhodiums, iridiums, osmium, or other rare metals. These are called “precious” metals because they're very hard to find and very valuable. These metals are great investments and can help protect your financial future from economic instability and inflation.

Bullion is often used to refer to precious metals. Bullion refers simply to the physical metal.

Bullion can be purchased through many channels including online retailers and large coin dealers as well as some grocery stores.

An IRA for precious metals allows you to directly invest in bullion instead of purchasing stock shares. This will ensure that you receive annual dividends.

Unlike regular IRAs, precious metal IRAs don't require paperwork or annual fees. Instead, you only pay a small percentage on your gains. Additionally, you have access to your funds at no cost whenever you need them.


  • This is a 15% margin that has shown no stable direction of growth but fluctuates seemingly at random. (
  • Gold is considered a collectible, and profits from a sale are taxed at a maximum rate of 28 percent. (
  • The price of gold jumped 131 percent from late 2007 to September 2011, when it hit a high of $1,921 an ounce, according to the World Gold Council. (
  • If you take distributions before hitting 59.5, you'll owe a 10% penalty on the amount withdrawn. (
  • (Basically, if your GDP grows by 2%, you need miners to dig 2% more gold out of the ground every year to keep prices steady.) (

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How To

Investing gold vs. stocks

This might make it seem very risky to invest gold as an investment tool. This is because most people believe that it is no longer economically profitable to invest gold. This belief arises because most people believe that the global economy is driving down gold prices. They believe they would lose their money if they invested gold. In reality, though, gold investment can offer significant benefits. Here are some examples.

One of the oldest currencies known to man is gold. It has been in use for thousands of year. People around the world have used it as a store of value. As a means of payment, South Africa and many other countries still rely on it.

The first point to consider when deciding whether or not you should invest in gold is what price you want to pay per gram. It is important to determine the price per gram you are willing and able to pay for gold bullion. If you don’t know what the current market price is, you can always call a local jewelry store and ask them their opinion.

It's also important to note that, although gold prices are down in recent months, the costs of producing it have risen. The price of gold may have fallen, but the production costs haven’t.

The amount of gold that you are planning to purchase is another important consideration when deciding whether or not gold should be bought. If you plan to buy enough gold to cover your wedding rings then it is probably a good idea to wait before buying any more. This is not a wise decision if you're looking to invest in long-term assets. Selling your gold at a higher value than what you bought can help you make money.

We hope this article helped you to gain a better appreciation of gold as a tool for investment. We recommend that you investigate all options before making any major decisions. Only then can informed decisions be made.


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