
Roth IRA Calculator

Use our Roth IRA calculator to track how your retirement investments might grow over time. Get started preparing your future today.

What amount should I put into a Roth IRA

The amount you contribute to a Roth IRA will depend on your income, financial obligations, tax bracket and other factors.


However, Roth IRA's tax benefits on qualified distributions and capital gains make them a good investment vehicle.

For the 2022 tax year, you can contribute up $6,000 of your earnings (or the lesser amount if it was under $6,000). Your monthly contribution to 2022 will be $500 if you are aiming to contribute the maximum amount.

You may also make catch-up contributions if you're over 50.

Consider the following example to illustrate the benefits of compounding regular Roth IRA contributions. Let's assume you make $6,000 per year over a period of 20 years with an average interest accrual rate of 6%.

The total amount of your contributions for this period would be $126,000. However, the value of your Roth IRA balance is estimated to be close to $255,000.

Roth IRA Contributions to 2023

Modified gross Income (AGI)
Contribution limit
Married Filing Together or Qualifying Widow(er) < $218,000 Limitless possibilities
Married Filing Together Or Qualifying Widow(er) > $218,000, but $228,000 A reduced amount
Married Filing Together Or Qualifying Widow(er) > $228,000 zero
You were married and filed separately, but you lived with your spouse during the year < $10,000 A reduced amount
You were married and filed separately, but you lived with your spouse during the year > $10,000 zero
single or headof household or married filing separate if you didn't live with your spouse during the year < $138,000 Limitless possibilities
single or headof household or married filing separate if you didn't live with your spouse during the year > $138,000, but $153,000 A reduced amount
single or headof household or married filing separate if you didn't live with your spouse during the year > $153,000 zero

Your Roth IRA reduction

You can reduce the amount that you can contribute by following these steps:

  1. Start with your modified AGI.
  2. Add (1) to the amount:
    • $218,000 for filing a joint tax or qualifying widow(er),
    • $-0 if you are married and file a separate tax. If you were living with your spouse during the year,
    • $138,000 for all others
  3. Divide (2) the result by $15,000 ($10,000 for joint returns, qualifying widow(er), and married filing separate returns) to find out how many years you lived with your spouse.
  4. Multiply the maximum contribution limit before this adjustment and any reductions for contributions to traditional IRAs by (3).
  5. Add the result in (4) to the maximum contribution limit prior to the reduction. This is your reduced contribution limit.

Roth IRA Definitions

Here are key terms that are associated with Roth IRAs. It is important to understand their meanings in order to effectively incorporate this retirement account into your investment portfolio.

Roth IRA: This type of individual retirement account is known for its favorable tax status. Contributions are made after tax (i.e. there is no tax-deferral as a traditional IRA, 401(k), etc.) but capital gains and distributions will be exempt from tax.

Limits on annual contributions: How much you can contribute each year to your Roth IRA. Except for those who qualify for a catch up contribution of $7,000., the current limit for 2022 is $6,000

Modified adjusted Gross Income (MAGI). This is your modified adjusted gross, or adjusted income, after taking certain tax deductions. It excludes certain tax-exempt interest. This number is crucial for Roth IRAs as it will determine if you can or cannot contribute to a Roth IRA. A single taxpayer with a MAGI greater than $144,000 cannot contribute to a Roth IRA by 2022.

Tax filing status: You can file separately, jointly, or as a single taxpayer. The MAGI phase-out limit for Roth IRA contributions is also affected by your filing status. Single taxpayers are eligible to stop making Roth IRA contributions if their MAGI exceeds $144,000, but married taxpayers can't unless they have a MAGI of over $214,000.

Flation: Flation refers to the decline in your money's purchasing power due to increases in the prices of consumer goods and resources. It is crucial to invest your Roth IRA contributions in a way that beats inflation and maintains the portfolio's value.

Retirement Age: The date you intend to retire. It is important to know your retirement age so you can determine how much money you can save and how much you are able to withdraw from your Roth IRA based upon your life expectancy.

Life expectancy This is the expected length of your life, taking into account both personal and national health factors. Add your retirement age to your life expectancy and you can get an estimate of the amount of time your Roth IRA savings and other savings will last.

Expected Rate of Return: This is the amount that you expect your Roth IRA investments to grow over a time period (e.g., a calendar year). You can use our Roth IRA Growth Calculator to see how your portfolio size can change at different rates of return.

Minimum distribution (RMD), This is the amount that you must take to receive a Roth IRA distribution under law. It begins when you turn 72.

Compounded interest: Earning interest on top previously earned interest is the key to your Roth IRA's exponential growth.

Monthly retirement expenditure: This is the amount that you plan to spend each month on retirement for expenses such as food, housing, or healthcare.

Catch up contribution: People over 50 years old can make greater catch-up contributions to Roth IRAs ($7,000 in 2022, compared to $6,000 for the standard contribution).


Which is better, a 401k or a roth IRA.

Both accounts are excellent retirement options that offer distinct value propositions. A 401(k), for example, allows you to contribute more (e.g. $20,500 in 2022), while Roth IRA distributions, including gains, are exempt from tax.

How do I start a roth IRA.

There are many wealth management companies that can help you start a Roth IRA.

What makes our Roth IRA calculator better than Dave Ramsey's, Fidelity's, or NerdWallet’s?

While all calculators can provide similar data, our calculator was designed to be simple and accurate in terms of overall user experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

What amount should I invest in my Roth IRA?

Roth IRAs let you save tax on retirement by allowing you to deposit your own money. These accounts are not allowed to be withdrawn before the age of 59 1/2. However, if your goal is to withdraw funds before that time, there are certain rules you must observe. First, you cannot touch your principal (the original amount deposited). This means that you can't take out more money than you originally contributed. If you wish to withdraw more than you originally contributed, you will have to pay taxes.

The second rule states that income taxes must be paid before you can withdraw earnings. So, when you withdraw, you'll pay taxes on those earnings. Let's take, for example, $5,000 in annual Roth IRA contributions. Let's further assume you earn $10,000 annually after contributing. Federal income taxes would apply to the earnings. You would be responsible for $3500 So you would only have $6,500 left. Because you can only withdraw what you have initially contributed, this is all you can take out.

Therefore, even if you take $4,000 out of your earnings you still owe taxes on $1,500. In addition, 50% of your earnings will be subject to tax again (half of 40%). So even though you received $7,000 in Roth IRA contributions, you only received $4,000.

There are two types if Roth IRAs, Roth and Traditional. Traditional IRAs allow pre-tax contributions to be deducted from your taxable tax income. Your traditional IRA allows you to withdraw your entire contribution plus any interest. There are no restrictions on the amount you can withdraw from a Traditional IRA.

Roth IRAs won't let you deduct your contributions. But once you've retired, you can withdraw the entire contribution amount plus any accrued interest. Unlike a traditional IRA, there is no minimum withdrawal requirement. You don't have to wait until you turn 70 1/2 years old before withdrawing your contribution.


Should You Open a Precious Metal IRA?

The most important thing you should know before opening an IRA account is that precious metals are not covered by insurance. There is no way to recover money that you have invested in precious metals. This includes all investments that are lost to theft, fire, flood, or other causes.

Investing in physical gold and silver coins is the best way to protect yourself from this type of loss. These items can be lost because they have real value and have been around for thousands years. These items are worth more today than they were when first produced.

When opening an IRA account, make sure you choose a reputable company offering competitive rates and high-quality products. You should also consider using a third party custodian to protect your assets and give you access at any time.

When you open an account, keep in mind that you won't receive any returns until your retirement. Keep your eyes open for the future.

How much of your IRA should include precious metals?

It is important to remember that precious metals can be a good investment for anyone. It doesn't matter how rich you are to invest in precious metals. There are many ways to make money on silver and gold investments without spending too much.

You could also consider buying physical coins like bullion bars, rounds or bullion bars. Shares in precious metals-producing companies could be an option. You may also be interested in an IRA transfer program offered by your retirement provider.

You will still reap the benefits of owning precious metals, regardless of which option you choose. These metals are not stocks, but they can still provide long-term growth.

And unlike traditional investments, they tend to increase in value over time. If you decide to sell your investment, you will likely make more than with traditional investments.

How to Open a Precious Metal IRA?

The first step in opening an Individual Retirement Account, (IRA), is to decide if it's something you want. If you do, you must open the account by completing Form 8606. For you to determine the type and eligibility for which IRA, you need Form 5204. This form should not be completed more than 60 days after the account is opened. Once you have completed this form, it is possible to begin investing. You might also be able to contribute directly from the paycheck through payroll deduction.

Complete Form 8903 if your Roth IRA option is chosen. Otherwise, the process is identical to an ordinary IRA.

To be eligible to have a precious metals IRA you must meet certain criteria. The IRS requires that you are at least 18 years old and have earned an income. Your annual earnings cannot exceed $110,000 ($220,000 if you are married and file jointly) for any tax year. Contributions must be made on a regular basis. These rules apply to contributions made directly or through employer sponsorship.

You can invest in precious metals IRAs to buy gold, palladium and platinum. But, you'll only be able to purchase physical bullion. This means you won't be allowed to trade shares of stock or bonds.

Your precious metals IRA may also be used to invest in precious-metal companies. Some IRA providers offer this option.

There are two major drawbacks to investing via an IRA in precious metals. First, they aren't as liquid than stocks and bonds. It is therefore harder to sell them when required. They also don't pay dividends, like stocks and bonds. So, you'll lose money over time rather than gain it.

How much of your portfolio should be in precious metals?

First, let's define precious metals to answer the question. Precious metals refer to elements with a very high value relative other commodities. They are therefore very attractive for investment and trading. The most traded precious metal is gold.

There are however many other types, including silver, and platinum. The price for gold is subject to fluctuations, but stays relatively stable in times of economic turmoil. It is not affected by inflation or deflation.

All precious metals prices tend to rise with the overall market. However, they may not always move in synchrony with each other. For instance, gold's price will rise when the economy is weak, while precious metals prices will fall. This is because investors expect lower rates of interest, which makes bonds less attractive investments.

Contrary to this, when the economy performs well, the opposite happens. Investors favor safe assets like Treasury Bonds, and less precious metals. Since these are scarce, they become more expensive and decrease in value.

Therefore, to maximize profits from investing in precious metals, you must diversify across multiple precious metals. Furthermore, because the price of precious Metals fluctuates, it is best not to focus on just one type of precious Metals.


  • Indeed, several financial advisers interviewed for this article suggest you invest 5 to 15 percent of your portfolio in gold, just in case. (
  • Gold is considered a collectible, and profits from a sale are taxed at a maximum rate of 28 percent. (
  • You can only purchase gold bars at least 99.5% purity. (
  • Instead, the economy improved, stocks rebounded, and gold plunged, losing 28 percent of its value in 2013. (
  • The price of gold jumped 131 percent from late 2007 to September 2011, when it hit a high of $1,921 an ounce, according to the World Gold Council. (

External Links

How To

The best way online to buy gold or silver

Understanding how gold works is essential before you buy it. It is a precious metal that is very similar to platinum. Because of its resistance to corrosion and durability, it is very rare. It's difficult to use, so most people prefer purchasing jewelry made from it rather than actual bars.

There are two types of gold coins available today – one type is legal tender, while the other is called bullion. Legal tender coins can be used for circulation within a country. These coins usually come in denominations such $1, $5 and $10.

Bullion coins can only be used as investment currency. They increase in value due to inflation.

They cannot be used in currency exchanges. A person can buy 100 grams of gold for $100. Each dollar spent earns the buyer 1 gram gold.

When looking to buy precious metals, the next thing you should be aware of is where it can be purchased. There are several options available if your goal is to purchase gold from a dealer. First, go to your local coin shop. Another option is to go through a reputable site like eBay. You can also look into buying gold online from private sellers.

Individuals selling gold at wholesale prices and retail prices are known as private sellers. Private sellers typically charge 10% to 15% commission on each transaction. This means that you will get less back from a private seller than if you sell it through a coin shop or on eBay. However, this option is often a great choice when investing in gold since it gives you more control over the item's price.

You can also invest in gold physical. It is easier to store physical gold than paper certificates. But, you still have to take care of it. Physical gold should be stored in an impenetrable container, such a vault and safety deposit box to ensure its safety.

You can either visit a bank, pawnshop or bank to buy gold. A bank can offer you a loan for the amount that you need to buy gold. These are small businesses that let customers borrow money against the items they bring to them. Banks often charge higher interest rates then pawnshops.

The final option is to ask someone to buy your gold! Selling gold is also easy. You can contact a company like to set up an account and receive payments right away.


By: Donny Gamble
Title: Roth IRA Calculator
Sourced From:
Published Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2022 19:44:57 +0000

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