Reasons Behind My Interest in Bitcoin

Introduction to Bitcoin Journey

Readers familiar with my blog are aware that I began exploring Bitcoin investments in late 2022. It emerged as the top-performing asset among the ones I monitored for 2023. Consequently, without revealing too much, I reinstated Bitcoin exposure on my list of 24 stocks to watch for 2024.

Transition in Perception

My recent endorsement of Bitcoin on X might have caught some subscribers by surprise. While I acknowledge and appreciate the support, the influx of praise and acceptance from a broader audience highlighted the significance of reversing my previous stance on Bitcoin. The acknowledgment, though humbling, also underscored the presence of individuals more knowledgeable than myself.

Insights from the Community

Observing the insights shared by reputed figures like Lawrence Lepard, Luke Gromen, and Lyn Alden within the sound money community played a pivotal role in reshaping my perspective on Bitcoin. Their commendations on Bitcoin's merits resonated with me, prompting a reevaluation of my skepticism.

Understanding Bitcoin's Innovation

Listening to Lawrence Lepard's analogy of Bitcoin as a distinct invention during a podcast in December 2022 marked a turning point in my comprehension. His reference to "the invention of digital scarcity" initially puzzled me but gradually illuminated the unique aspect of Bitcoin's scarcity within the digital realm.

Deciphering Bitcoin's Technology

Delving deeper into Bitcoin's cryptographic foundation and network security shed light on its robustness and resilience against potential breaches. The decentralized ledger system, enforced by a consensus mechanism among network nodes, unveiled the safeguarding mechanisms preserving Bitcoin's integrity.

Evolution of Perception

Grasping the intricate interplay between cryptography and network dynamics bolstered my recognition of Bitcoin's intrinsic value. While my affinity for gold persists due to historical precedence, Bitcoin's attributes like portability and ease of verification add a new dimension to the concept of value retention.

Bitcoin as a Transformative Asset

Transitioning from skepticism to acceptance, I likened investing in Bitcoin to securing a place on a global decentralized ledger, underpinning a potential paradigm shift in monetary frameworks. The ease of transacting and verifying Bitcoin, coupled with its decentralization, heralds a novel era in financial interactions.

Implications of Bitcoin Adoption

As regulatory bodies endorse Bitcoin through spot ETF approvals and prominent asset managers endorse its role as a hedge against fiat vulnerabilities, the narrative around Bitcoin's legitimacy gains momentum. The evolving landscape underscores Bitcoin's emergence as a viable alternative within the conventional monetary system.

Dispelling Misconceptions

Contrary to misconceptions labeling all Bitcoin participants as speculators, a diverse spectrum of individuals seeks to diversify wealth amidst economic uncertainties. Recognizing the nuanced motivations behind Bitcoin ownership reveals a broader narrative beyond mere speculative endeavors.

Path to Mainstream Integration

Anticipating heightened adoption trends and institutional involvement in Bitcoin underscores its trajectory towards mainstream acceptance. The convergence of technological advancements and ideological shifts propels Bitcoin into a realm of global recognition and integration.

Resilience Amidst Challenges

Acknowledging the risks inherent in Bitcoin ownership, I maintain a pragmatic approach towards its volatility and potential threats. Despite uncertainties surrounding regulatory frameworks and technological vulnerabilities, Bitcoin's underlying principles endure as a beacon of financial innovation.

Embracing Bitcoin's Ideals

Embracing Bitcoin's ideological underpinnings as a transformative force within the monetary landscape aligns with my broader outlook on financial systems. Bitcoin's decentralization and empowerment of individuals encapsulate a vision that transcends traditional notions of currency and value.

This insightful article is contributed by Quoth the Raven. The opinions expressed solely belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Magazine.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are precious metals allowed in an IRA?

This question is dependent on whether an IRA owner wishes to diversify into gold or silver, or keep them safe.

If he does want to diversify, then there are two options available to him. He could either purchase physical bars or silver from a seller, or return these items to the dealer at end of the year. Imagine he doesn't desire to sell off his precious metals investments. He should keep them, as they are perfectly safe to be stored in an IRA account.

Which type of IRA could be used for precious metals

Most financial institutions and employers offer an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). This is an investment vehicle that most people can use. An IRA lets you contribute money that will grow tax-deferred to the time it is withdrawn.

An IRA lets you save taxes and pay them off later. This means you can save money and pay taxes later on the money that you have deposited to your retirement account.

An IRA's beauty is that earnings and contributions grow tax-free up to the time you withdraw them. You can face penalties if you withdraw funds before the deadline.

You can also make additional contributions to your IRA after age 50 without penalty. If you decide to withdraw your IRA from retirement, you will owe income taxes as well as a 10% federal penalty.

Refunds received before the age of 591/2 are subject to a penalty of 5% from the IRS. A 3.4% IRS penalty is applicable to withdrawals made between the ages of 59 1/2 and 701/2.

An IRS penalty of 6.2% applies to withdrawals above $10,000 per year.

What are the three types?

There are three main types of IRAs. Each type has its benefits and drawbacks. Each of these types will be described below.

Traditional Individual Retirement Account (IRA)

A traditional IRA allows you to contribute pre-tax money to an account where you can defer taxes on contributions made now while earning interest. The account can be withdrawn tax-free once you are retired.

Roth IRA

Roth IRAs allow you after-tax dollars to be deposited into an account. Any earnings will grow tax-free. If you withdraw funds for retirement, your withdrawals from the account are exempted of tax.


This is similar to a Roth IRA but requires additional contributions from employees. These extra contributions are subject to income tax but any earnings will grow tax-deferred again. When you leave the company the whole amount may be converted to a Roth IRA.

Can I store my gold IRA account at home?

An online brokerage account will allow you to invest in the most secure way possible. You can access all of the same investment options that you would have if you worked with a traditional broker but don't need to be licensed or qualified. Plus, there are no fees for investing.

You can also use free tools offered by many online brokers to manage your portfolio. They will even let you download charts to see how your investments perform.

Are gold- and silver-IRAs a good idea.

If you are looking for an easy way to invest in both gold and silver at once, then this could be an excellent option for you. There are other options as well. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions. We're always glad to help!


  • If you accidentally make an improper transaction, the IRS will disallow it and count it as a withdrawal so that you would owe income tax on the item's value and, if you are younger than 59 ½, an additional 10% early withdrawal penalty. (
  • The maximum yearly contribution to an individual's IRAs is currently $6,000 ($7,000 for those 50 years or older), or 100% of earned income, whichever is less. (
  • The IRS also allows American Eagle coins, even though they do not meet gold's 99.5% purity standard. (
  • Depending on your financial situation, most experts recommend you invest no more than 5% to 10% of your retirement funds in precious metals. (

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How To

How to Buy Gold for Your Gold IRA

Precious metal is a term used to describe gold, silver, platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium, osmium, ruthenium, rhenium, and others. It refers to any naturally occurring element with atomic numbers 79 through 110 (excluding helium), which is considered valuable because of its rarity and beauty. Precious metals include gold and silver. Precious Metals are often used for money, jewelry and industrial goods.

The price of gold fluctuates daily due to supply and demand. In the past decade, there has been a huge demand for precious metals as investors seek safe havens from unstable economies. Prices have increased significantly because of this demand. Some people are concerned about investing in precious metals due to the rising cost of production.

Because it is rare and long-lasting, gold makes a great investment. The value of gold is never lost, which is unlike many other investments. You can also buy and sell gold, without having to pay taxes. There are two ways you can invest in gold. You can either purchase gold bars and coins or invest in futures gold contracts.

Instant liquidity is provided by physical gold coins and bars. They are easy for you to store and trade. However, they are not very inflation-proof. For protection against rising prices, gold bullion is a good option. Bullion, also known as physical gold and available in different sizes, is physical. While some billions are sold in one-ounce portions, others come in larger pieces such as kilobars. Bullion is usually stored in vaults protected from theft and fire.

If you prefer owning shares of gold rather than holding actual gold, you should consider buying gold futures. Futures allow you to speculate as to how the gold price will change. You can buy gold futures and get exposed to the price of gold without actually owning it.

If I wanted to speculate about whether gold's price would rise or fall, I could buy a gold contract. My position after the contract expires will be either “long” (or “short”) A long contract is one in which I believe that the price of gold will rise. I'm willing now to pay someone else money, but I promise I'll get more money at the end. A shorter contract will mean that I expect the price to fall. I'm willing and able to take the money now, in return for the promise that I will make less money later.

I will be paid the specified amount of the contract plus interest after the contract expires. This way I have exposure to the gold's price without having to actually hold it.

Precious metals are a great investment as they are hard to counterfeit. While paper currency can be easily counterfeited simply by printing new notes, precious metals cannot. This is why precious metals have always held their value well over time.


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