
SEC Drops Fraud Case Against Crypto Company Debt Box Due to Inaccuracies in Court


The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has decided to abandon its lawsuit against Debt Box, a crypto company previously accused of defrauding investors of millions. This surprising move comes after the SEC admitted to presenting misleading information in court, which undermines the agency's case and credibility.

SEC Acknowledges Inaccuracies in Court

The SEC had initially filed a lawsuit against Digital Licensing Inc., also known as Debt Box, accusing the company of defrauding investors of at least $49 million. The allegations revolved around Debt Box offering "node licenses" for mining cryptocurrencies that were never actually mined. This legal action was part of the SEC's broader crackdown on cryptocurrency firms, led by Chair Gary Gensler, who has consistently regarded most cryptocurrencies as securities.


However, the case took a significant turn when the SEC's attorneys acknowledged falling short of the court's expectations for accuracy and candor. U.S. District Court Judge Robert Shelby in Utah criticized the SEC lawyers for making what he deemed as "false or misleading" statements and demanded explanations.

Court's Order and SEC's Response

Judge Shelby found that the SEC had misrepresented Debt Box's attempt to transfer assets overseas to evade U.S. jurisdiction. In response, the judge issued a "show cause order," essentially requiring the SEC to provide a valid reason or explanation for its actions.

In a statement filed on Jan. 30, the SEC admitted its attorneys' lack of forthrightness with the court but argued against imposing sanctions. The agency expressed its intention to dismiss the lawsuit without prejudice, which leaves open the possibility of refiling the case in the future.

Reactions and Questions

The SEC's decision to seek dismissal without prejudice has raised eyebrows in the legal and financial sectors, given the agency's aggressive stance on cryptocurrency regulation. Debt Box's legal team strongly criticized the SEC's actions, stating that the agency got the case "badly wrong" and should not be allowed to perpetuate a false narrative to avoid dismissal.

Despite admitting inaccuracies and moving to dismiss the case, the SEC has refrained from commenting further beyond its public filings.

What do you think could explain the SEC's inability to pursue this lawsuit? Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does a gold IRA look like?

For people who are looking to invest in precious materials, Gold Ira account accounts provide tax-free investments.

Physical gold bullion coin can be purchased at any time. To invest in gold, you don't need to wait for retirement.

An IRA lets you keep your gold for life. Your gold holdings will not be subject to tax when you are gone.

Your gold will be passed on to your heirs, without you having to pay capital gains taxes. And because your gold remains outside of the estate, you aren't required to include it in your final estate report.

To open a Gold IRA, you'll need to first set up an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). After you have done this, an IRA custodian will be assigned to you. This company acts in the role of a middleman between your IRS agent and you.

Your gold IRA custodian is responsible for handling all paperwork and submitting the required forms to the IRS. This includes filing annual reports.

After you have created your gold IRA, the only thing you need to do is purchase gold bullion. Minimum deposit required is $1,000 You'll get a higher rate of interest if you deposit more.

You'll have to pay taxes if you take your gold out of your IRA. If you take out the whole amount, you'll be subject to income taxes as well as a 10 percent penalty.

You may not be required to pay taxes if you take out only a small amount. There are exceptions. For example, taking out 30% or more of your total IRA assets, you'll owe federal income taxes plus a 20 percent penalty.

It is best to not take out more than 50% annually of your total IRA assets. You'll be facing severe financial consequences if you do.

Are You Ready to Invest in Gold?

The answer depends on how much money you have saved and whether gold was an investment option available when you started saving. If you're unsure about which option to choose then consider investing in both.

Not only is it a safe investment but gold can also provide potential returns. It's a great investment for retirees.

Gold is more volatile than most other investments. This causes its value to fluctuate over time.

But this doesn't mean you shouldn't invest in gold. It just means that you need to factor in fluctuations to your overall portfolio.

Another benefit of gold is that it's a tangible asset. Unlike stocks and bonds, gold is easier to store. It can also be transported.

You can always access your gold as long as it is kept safe. Additionally, physical gold does not require storage fees.

Investing in gold can help protect against inflation. Because gold prices tend to rise along with other commodities, it's a good way to hedge against rising costs.

It's also a good idea to have a portion your savings invested in something which isn't losing value. Gold rises in the face of a falling stock market.

Another benefit to investing in gold? You can always sell it. As with stocks, your position can be liquidated whenever you require cash. It doesn't matter if you are retiring.

If you do decide to invest in gold, make sure to diversify your holdings. Don't put all your eggs on one basket.

Don't purchase too much at once. Start with just a few drops. You can add more as you need.

The goal is not to become rich quick. Instead, the goal is to accumulate enough wealth that you don't have to rely on Social Security.

Although gold might not be the right investment for everyone it could make a great addition in any retirement plan.


Which precious metals are best to invest in retirement?

These precious metals are among the most attractive investments. Both can be easily bought and sold, and have been around since forever. If you want to diversify your portfolio, you should consider adding them to your list.

Gold: One of the oldest forms of currency, gold, is one of mankind's most valuable. It is also extremely safe and stable. Because of this, it's considered a good way to preserve wealth during times of uncertainty.

Silver: Silver has always been popular among investors. It's a good choice for those who want to avoid volatility. Silver, unlike gold, tends not to go down but up.

Platinium: Platinum is another form of precious metal that's becoming increasingly popular. It's like silver or gold in that it is durable and resistant to corrosion. It's also more expensive than the other two.

Rhodium: Rhodium is used in catalytic converters. It is also used in jewelry-making. It is also quite affordable compared with other types of precious metals.

Palladium: Palladium, which is a form of platinum, is less common than platinum. It's also much more affordable. It is a preferred choice among investors who are looking to add precious materials to their portfolios.

Can the government take your gold?

You own your gold and therefore the government cannot seize it. You have earned it by working hard for it. It belongs to you. But, this rule is not universal. Your gold could be taken away if your crime was fraud against federal government. Your precious metals can also be lost if you owe tax to the IRS. However, even if taxes are not paid, gold is still your property.

What is the Performance of Gold as an Investment?

Gold's price fluctuates depending on the supply and demand. Interest rates also have an impact on the price of gold.

Gold prices are volatile due to their limited supply. In addition, there is a risk associated with owning physical gold because you have to store it somewhere.

What is a Precious Metal IRA and How Can You Benefit From It?

A precious metal IRA allows for you to diversify your retirement savings in gold, silver, palladium and iridium. These are called “precious” metals because they're very hard to find and very valuable. They make excellent investments for your money and help you protect your future from inflation and economic instability.

Precious metals are sometimes called “bullion.” Bullion refers actually to the metal.

Bullion can be bought through many channels, including online retailers, large coins dealers, and some grocery shops.

You can invest directly in bullion with a precious metal IRA instead of buying shares of stock. This means you'll receive dividends every year.

Precious metal IRAs do not require paperwork nor annual fees, unlike regular IRAs. Instead, your gains are subject to a small tax. Plus, you get free access to your funds whenever you want.


  • Contribution limits$6,000 (49 and under) $7,000 (50 and up)$6,000 (49 and under) $7,000 (50 and up)$58,000 or 25% of your annual compensation (whichever is smaller) (
  • You can only purchase gold bars at least 99.5% purity. (
  • Indeed, several financial advisers interviewed for this article suggest you invest 5 to 15 percent of your portfolio in gold, just in case. (
  • Gold is considered a collectible, and profits from a sale are taxed at a maximum rate of 28 percent. (
  • This is a 15% margin that has shown no stable direction of growth but fluctuates seemingly at random. (

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How To

A growing trend: Gold IRAs

As investors seek to diversify their portfolios while protecting themselves from inflation, the trend towards gold IRAs is on the rise.

Owners of the gold IRA can use it to invest in physical bars and bullion gold. This IRA can be used to grow your wealth tax-free and is an alternative option to stocks and bonds.

An investor can use a gold IRA to manage their assets and not worry about market volatility. The gold IRA can be used to protect against inflation or other potential problems.

Physical gold is also a great investment option, as it has unique properties like durability, portability, divisibility, and portability.

A gold IRA provides many additional benefits. One is the ability for heirs to quickly transfer ownership of gold. Another is the fact that gold is not considered a currency or a commodities by the IRS.

This is why the gold IRA has become increasingly popular with investors looking to provide financial security during times of financial uncertainty.


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