
What’s the Best Way To Invest in Gold?

It can be difficult to know where to begin and how to make good decisions when you are new to investing in gold. Gold is primarily bought by investors as a hedge to inflation and to diversify portfolios. There are many ways to invest in gold, including:

  • Gold IRA investment
  • Gold coins and bullion
  • Gold Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs).
  • Gold mutual funds
  • Gold mining companies
  • Gold Futures

What is the best option to invest in Gold? You can either invest directly in gold or indirectly through stocks with indirect links to gold's value, depending on which method you choose.

This article will highlight the most popular ways to invest in gold and the advantages, risks, and disadvantages of each. You'll find examples of gold investment companies that offer each type to get you started.


IRAs: How to Use Your IRA

You can invest in gold by using your retirement funds to buy a certain amount physical gold that an IRS-approved depositary will store for you until the time comes to liquidate it.

You can buy gold using an IRA if you have a self directed account. This could be a Roth IRA or a traditional IRA. You will also need to find a custodian for your gold, which can be a bank or credit union.

Risk Level

Gold IRAs are similar in risk to gold itself. The value of the gold varies and is unpredictable. Gold's value, unlike stocks, does not have the possibility of dropping to zero. Gold's value tends to rise when other assets fall, which helps you maintain a balanced portfolio.


Investing gold in an IRA provides you with the benefits that come along with precious metal investments. The ability to protect against inflation is one of the most important benefits. Gold is also safer than bonds or stocks because its value can't go to zero.

You can also get tax benefits by using an IRA. Either pay taxes upfront on your contributions or defer them until after retirement when you begin receiving distributions.


Gold IRAs are typically more expensive than regular IRAs. These fees include:

  • Brokerage fees
  • Storage charges
  • Account Setup Fees
  • Insurance

You may also need to sell gold at a lower value when you retire and begin taking distributions from an IRA. This is because it can be difficult to find a buyer.

Companies that Offer These

Here are the top gold IRAs you can trust to invest in:

Gold Bullion and Coins Investing

You probably picture stacks of heavy, shiny gold bars when you consider purchasing physical gold. Gold bullion is the name given to these valuable bars. They come with a certificate of purity and weight.

Gold coins such as American Gold Eagles or Canadian Maple Leafs are also available in physical form.

Risk Level

Gold bullion prices rise and fall with the value of the metal, so they tend to go up during times of economic instability but down during good economic times.

Physical gold, particularly large gold bars, is not liquid, so you may find it difficult to sell them quickly and end up paying less for your gold.


Gold will always be valuable as a form of currency, even if your other assets suddenly become worthless. In times of economic uncertainty, purchasing physical gold is a good way to protect your assets.


You're responsible for keeping your gold safe. This can be in a safe at home, in a bank vault, or in a storage facility. Gold bullion can be expensive to store, especially if you add insurance to the mix.

Gold is more difficult to sell in physical form than stocks. It also won't generate a passive income over the long-term like holding onto shares of a company.

Companies that Offer These

These are the top companies selling gold bullion.

  • American Precious Metals Exchange
  • JM Bullion
  • Gold Eagle Coins
  • SD Bullion
  • Orion Metal Exchange

Gold ETFs

fine gold bar and gold price chart

If you do not want to deal with physical gold, then you can invest in gold ETFs. Gold ETFs allow you to access a larger portion of the gold market. They operate like mutual funds where an advisor manages them for the shareholders.

Gold ETFs can be bought and sold the same as standard stocks, because each share represents an amount of gold that is fixed. For example, one gram.

Risk Level

Due to the fact that gold ETFs do not involve the ownership of the metal itself, their value can differ from gold's price. Gold ETFs are volatile and their value fluctuates with the price of gold.


Investing in ETFs with low expense ratios is easier and cheaper than buying physical gold. You will not have to worry about paying additional fees, or where to store your gold assets.

Gold ETFs are more liquid than stocks because they work the same way.


It can be hard to find ETFs that invest only in gold, as most funds deal with commodities. ETFs are great for diversifying your portfolio because of this same reason.

Companies that Offer These

Here are some of the best-performing gold ETFs on the stock exchange:

  • SPDR Gold Shares (GLD)
  • VanEck Vectors Gold Miners (GDX)
  • iShares Gold Trust IAU
  • Goldman Sachs ETF Physical Gold (AAAU)
  • GraniteShares Gold Trust BAR

Gold Mutual Funds

three human icon surrounding dollar sign

Gold mutual funds are another way of getting the benefits of investing in gold without having to buy and own gold bars or coin. Gold mutual funds, like gold ETFs invest in various gold-related securities, such as futures, bullion, and gold mining.

Risk Level

Gold mutual funds are still dependent on gold's price, but their value is different than other gold assets because it depends on the performance and securities of the fund.

The total value of securities in a mutual fund and the number outstanding shares determine the price of its shares. Gold prices fluctuate a lot, so the value of mutual funds that invest in gold can also be volatile.


Gold mutual funds are a cheaper way to invest than buying, storing and insuring gold. They're also a more convenient option. Gold mutual funds are more liquid than gold ETFs, because you can sell to the fund whenever you want instead of having to find a buyer.

Gold mutual funds are a great way to diversify your portfolio, as they manage shares of a variety of gold-related companies and bullion.


Gold mutual funds, unlike gold ETFs are not available on the stock exchange, nor can you buy or sell them at any time. Gold mutual funds are actively-managed securities. This means that they include management fees and have a higher expense ratio than gold ETFs.

Companies that Offer These

Some gold mutual funds invest in other precious materials, including silver, palladium, and platinum. Some of the gold funds that have the best performance are:

  • Fidelity Select Gold Portfolio Fund
  • Gabelli Gold Fund
  • Allspring Precious Metals Fund
  • Invesco Gold and Special Minerals Fund
  • VanEck International Investors Gold Fund

Mining Companies

gold nuggets from gold pit mine

Gold mining companies are one of the best places to invest, as they have a significant stake in the gold price. Gold mining stocks can be purchased through a brokerage account. This gives you the benefits of high liquidity and transparent pricing.

Risk Level

Stocks of gold mining firms are a safer option to invest in gold, as the value of these shares is determined by the performance of their business and not only the price of metal. Gold mining companies can hedge against falling prices even if gold's value drops.


Owning gold as physical is not a good investment for long-term growth. Instead, you can invest in stocks of gold mining firms if that is what you want.

Gold mining stocks increase in value when gold prices rise. Companies that perform well can also give you higher returns.


The need to thoroughly research each gold mining company can be a time-consuming task. You can rely on the fund manager when you invest in gold mutual funds or ETFs to do the research and due diligence.

Companies that Offer These

The following are the best gold mining companies that you can invest in.

  • Barrick Gold (GOLD).
  • Newmont Mining Corporation (NEM)
  • Franco-Nevada (FNV)
  • Centerra Gold
  • Equinox Gold (EQX).

You can also find out more about the following:

different kind of gold jewelries on rock surface

According to the World Gold Council 49% of gold mined is turned into jewelry. Gold jewelry is the most common use of the metal.

Gold jewelry is valued by its purity (or karats), with 24 karats representing pure gold. Gold jewelry with a karat of 14 or more can be a good investment.

Risk Level

Gold jewelry investing is a riskier method than other methods of gold investment. It is important to buy only from reputable jewelry retailers so that you do not buy false or misleading gold products.

It is important to have the proper documentation with your gold jewelry. This will be very valuable for future buyers.


You can find great deals on gold jewelry in auctions, estates sales and other non-retail outlets. You could make a lot of money by selling the items you find.


Gold jewelry is usually marked up by the company who designed and made it. The markups are often much higher than the actual value of gold, up to 300%.

Gold jewelry can be difficult to sell and buy because of the high markups.

Companies that Offer These

Gold jewelry is available everywhere, but certain jewelry stores go beyond the norm in terms of design and quality. Here are some examples of gold stores where you can invest in quality gold:

  • Brilliant Earth
  • Blue Nile
  • GoldSilver
  • James Allen


gold magnifying glass with dollar bills

Gold futures are a good investment for more experienced investors. They are contracts that allow you to buy or sell a specified amount of gold at a particular date. Futures are a way to make money by speculating on the price of the metal.

Risk Level

Gold futures have a high value and you may need to invest large amounts of money in order to purchase contracts. Due to the volatility of futures contracts, you may lose more money than what you initially invested.

Investing in gold futures, therefore, is only suitable for experienced investors who are able to withstand the risk.


Gold futures can be used as a store for value, without having to purchase physical gold. This allows you to hedge risks on the traditional market while making money by speculating the gold price. Gold futures are also cheaper than gold bullion.


Gold futures have the main disadvantage that you are required to maintain them, no matter how inefficient they become. Gold futures are a risky investment because of the complexity and high level of risk. This is especially true for those who are new to investing.

Companies that Offer These

You can buy gold futures in the U.S. through the New York Mercantile Exchange. The standard contract sizes for gold futures are 100,50,and 10 troy ounces. Gold futures are traded almost all day Sunday through Friday.

Tips for Gold Investment

stack of gold coins with growing plants on top

Here are some tips to help you succeed with your gold investment if you decide that buying physical gold is best for you.

  • Find a reputable gold dealer by doing your research
  • Beware of hidden fees such as distribution and management costs
  • Plan how you will store your gold.
  • Buy insurance for your gold
  • Gold is cheap when you buy it

Risk Tolerance

Although gold is a low-risk investment it is still important to know your level of risk tolerance before buying. Gold's price can change dramatically, so you need to keep an eye out for it when managing your gold assets.

You can read books or websites

You can find more detailed information on gold investing by reading books, or if you prefer the old-fashioned way, visiting websites. You can learn more about gold investment from the following sources:

  • Michael Maloney's "Guide to Investing in Silver and Gold: Protect Your Future Financially"
  • James Rickards, "The New Case for Gold".

How much gold should you have in your portfolio?

Your risk tolerance and financial objectives will determine how you structure your portfolio. As a general rule, you should have at least 10% of your portfolio invested in gold.

If the dollar value plummets, you'll have a good fallback plan if you invest at least 10% in gold. However, investing too much in gold will compromise your ability to earn passive income. Consult your financial advisor before making any decisions.

Gold Scams: Beware!

Gold scammers exist, and even companies that seem reputable may use tactics to cause you make a poor investment. Here are some tips to protect yourself from gold scams.

  • Review the business ratings of the dealer and their customer reviews
  • Investigate the company for past frauds
  • Check out reviews on reputable websites

Diversifying your gold investments

Gold can be used to diversify your portfolio, and act as a balance against traditional assets like stocks or bonds. You can diversify your gold investment by investing in gold ETFs or mutual funds.

Learn about Gold Investments Right Now

Our website has a large library of resources to help you learn how to invest in gold. We will help you compare gold IRAs, and find the best providers for your needs and financial goals.

Contact us with any questions you have about gold investments.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I Withdraw from an IRA with Precious Metals?

First, you must decide if you wish to withdraw money from your IRA account. Make sure you have enough cash in your account to cover any fees, penalties, or charges that may be associated with withdrawing money from an IRA.

If you are willing to pay a penalty for early withdrawal, you should consider opening a taxable brokerage account instead of an IRA. You will also have to account for taxes due on any amount you withdraw if you choose this option.

Next, figure out how much money will be taken out of your IRA. This calculation is affected by many factors, such as the age at which you withdraw the money, the amount of time the account has been owned, and whether your plans to continue contributing to your retirement fund.

Once you have determined the percentage of your total savings that you would like to convert to cash, you can then decide which type of IRA to use. Traditional IRAs permit you to withdraw your funds tax-free once you turn 59 1/2. Roth IRAs have income taxes upfront, but you can access the earnings later on without paying additional taxes.

After these calculations have been completed, you will need to open a brokerage bank account. Brokers often offer promotional offers and signup bonuses to encourage people into opening accounts. You can save money by opening an account with a debit card instead of a credit card to avoid paying unnecessary fees.

When you finally get around to making withdrawals from your precious metal IRA, you'll need a safe place where you can store your coins. Some storage facilities will take bullion bars while others require you only to purchase individual coins. Before choosing one, consider the pros and disadvantages of each.

Bullion bars are easier to store than individual coins. However, each coin will need to be counted individually. However, individual coins can be stored to make it easy to track their value.

Some people prefer to keep their coins in a vault. Others prefer to place them in safe deposit boxes. Whichever method you choose, make sure you store your bullion safely so you can enjoy its benefits for years to come.

Can I own a gold ETF inside a Roth IRA

A 401(k) plan may not offer this option, but you should consider other options, such as an Individual Retirement Account (IRA).

Traditional IRAs allow for contributions from both employees and employers. You can also invest in publicly traded businesses by creating an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP).

An ESOP gives employees tax advantages as they share the stock of the company and the profits it makes. The money you invest in the ESOP will be taxed at a lower rate than if it were directly held by the employee.

A Individual Retirement Annuity (IRA), is also available. An IRA allows for you to make regular income payments during your life. Contributions made to IRAs are not taxable.

Who holds the gold in a gold IRA?

The IRS considers gold owned by an individual to be “a type of money” and is subject taxation.

To take advantage of this tax-free status, you must own at least $10,000 worth of gold and have been storing it for at least five years.

While gold may be a great investment to help prevent inflation and volatility in the market, it's not wise to keep it if you won't use it.

If you plan on selling the gold someday, you'll need to report its value, which could affect how much capital gains taxes you owe when you cash in your investments.

A financial planner or accountant should be consulted to discuss your options.


  • Contribution limits$6,000 (49 and under) $7,000 (50 and up)$6,000 (49 and under) $7,000 (50 and up)$58,000 or 25% of your annual compensation (whichever is smaller) (
  • If you accidentally make an improper transaction, the IRS will disallow it and count it as a withdrawal, so you would owe income tax on the item's value and, if you are younger than 59 ½, an additional 10% early withdrawal penalty. (
  • Instead, the economy improved, stocks rebounded, and gold plunged, losing 28 percent of its value in 2013. (
  • The price of gold jumped 131 percent from late 2007 to September 2011, when it hit a high of $1,921 an ounce, according to the World Gold Council. (
  • This is a 15% margin that has shown no stable direction of growth but fluctuates seemingly at random. (

External Links

How To

Investing in gold vs. investing in stocks

It might seem risky to invest in gold as an investment vehicle these days. This is because most people believe that it is no longer economically profitable to invest gold. This belief stems from the fact that most people see gold prices being driven down by the global economy. They believe they would lose their money if they invested gold. However, investing in gold can still provide significant benefits. Below are some of them.

One of the oldest currencies known to man is gold. Its use can be traced back to thousands of years ago. People around the world have used it as a store of value. It's still used by countries like South Africa as a method of payment.

Consider the price per gram when you decide whether you should invest in or not. When looking into buying gold bullion, you must decide how much you are willing to spend per gram. You can always ask a local jeweler what the current market rate is if you don't have it.

It is also worth noting that although gold prices have declined recently, the cost of producing gold has increased. The price of gold may have fallen, but the production costs haven’t.

It is important to keep in mind the amount you plan to purchase of gold when you're weighing whether or not it is worth your time. If you plan to buy enough gold to cover your wedding rings then it is probably a good idea to wait before buying any more. But, if your goal is to make long-term investments in gold, this might be worth considering. If you sell your gold for more than you paid, you can make a profit.

We hope this article helped you to gain a better appreciation of gold as a tool for investment. We strongly recommend that you research all available options before making any decisions. Only then can informed decisions be made.


By: Learn About Gold
Title: What’s the Best Way To Invest in Gold?
Sourced From:
Published Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2023 17:04:30 +0000

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