
AI Crypto Market Cap Surges to $7 Billion Amidst Record 30-Day Gains



The sector of crypto economy dedicated to artificial intelligence (AI) has been expanding steadily, and in the past 34 days, since Nov. 29, 2023, the market capitalization of AI-focused crypto assets has surged by $1.75 billion. A majority of the leading ten AI tokens experienced substantial growth, with more than half recording gains in the double digits. Notably, the graph (GRT) emerged as the frontrunner, boasting a significant 40.73% increase over the previous month.

Rapid Growth in AI Crypto Market Cap

The previous year marked a significant phase for AI-driven cryptocurrency assets, and as we move into 2024, the market cap of the AI-centric crypto industry has reached $7.04 billion. This is a substantial climb from its valuation of $1.1 billion on January 9, 2023. The figures reveal that, in under a year, the AI cryptocurrency market expanded by an impressive 540%, with about $1.75 billion of this growth occurring in the last 34 days since November 29, 2023.


Top Performers in the AI Token Space

Leading the pack in the AI-focused token space is the graph (GRT), boasting a market valuation of $2 billion. It has seen a 10% increase just in the past day. Over the previous month, GRT surged 40.73% against the greenback, ranking it as the top performer among the ten leading tokens. Fetch (FET) also witnessed significant growth, climbing 34.29% over the month. Meanwhile, AGIX and OCEAN increased by 5.85% and 4.45%, respectively, over the last 30 days.

Token Performance Variations

Conversely, Bittensor (TAO) experienced a 21% decline last month, but it has recently rebounded by 3% in the past 24 hours and still maintains an impressive 791% rise from its record low in May. Covalent (CQT) enjoyed a 20.93% hike this past month, and a newcomer, PAAL, is up 8.9% for the month and has soared 52.48% over the past week. However, not all AI tokens fared well, as IMGNAI plunged 45.77% in 30 days, and BBANK decreased 38.9% against the greenback.

The Future of AI Tokens

In 2023, nearly everything associated with AI technologies seemingly turned to gold, marking an era of prosperity within the crypto economy. As we approach 2024, it remains to be seen how this momentum will continue or shift. The AI crypto sector, notably one of the most rapidly growing areas in the space, presents both intrigue and potential as it evolves in the ever-changing landscape of digital assets.

What do you think about the growth of AI tokens over the last year and in the past 30 days? Share your thoughts and opinions about this subject in the comments section below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should you open a Precious Metal IRA

You should be aware that precious metals cannot be covered by insurance. You cannot recover any money you have invested. This includes losing all your investments due to theft, fire, flood, etc.

Investing in physical gold and silver coins is the best way to protect yourself from this type of loss. These items have been around thousands of years and are irreplaceable. They are likely to fetch more today than the price you paid for them in their original form.

You should choose a reputable firm that offers competitive rates. It is also a smart idea to use a third-party trustee who will help you have access to your assets at all times.

When you open an account, keep in mind that you won't receive any returns until your retirement. So, don't forget about the future!

How to open a Precious Metal IRA

It is important to decide if you would like an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). You must complete Form 8606 to open an account. Then you must fill out Form 5204 to determine what type of IRA you are eligible for. You must complete this form within 60 days of opening your account. Once this is done, you can start investing. You could also opt to make a contribution directly from your paycheck by using payroll deduction.

If you opt for a Roth IRA, you must complete Form 8903. Otherwise, the process will be identical to an ordinary IRA.

To qualify for a precious-metals IRA, you'll need to meet some requirements. The IRS requires that you are at least 18 years old and have earned an income. You cannot earn more than $110,000 annually ($220,000 if married filing jointly) in any one tax year. Additionally, you must make regular contributions. These rules apply to contributions made directly or through employer sponsorship.

A precious metals IRA can be used to invest in palladium or platinum, gold, silver, palladium or rhodium. However, physical bullion will not be available for purchase. This means you can't trade shares of stock and bonds.

You can also use your precious metals IRA to invest directly in companies that deal in precious metals. This option can be provided by some IRA companies.

However, investing in precious metals via an IRA has two serious drawbacks. First, they don't have the same liquidity as stocks or bonds. This makes it harder to sell them when needed. Second, they are not able to generate dividends as stocks and bonds. Therefore, you will lose more money than you gain over time.

How is gold taxed within an IRA?

The fair value of gold sold to determines the price at which tax is due. When you purchase gold, you don't have to pay any taxes. It isn't considered income. If you decide to make a sale of it, you'll be entitled to a taxable loss if the value goes up.

Gold can be used as collateral for loans. Lenders try to maximize the return on loans that you take against your assets. This often means selling gold. However, there is no guarantee that the lender would do this. They might keep it. Or, they may decide to resell the item themselves. You lose potential profits in either case.

In order to avoid losing your money, only lend against your precious metal if you plan to use it to secure other collateral. You should leave it alone if you don't intend to lend against it.

What amount should I invest in my Roth IRA?

Roth IRAs allow you to deposit your money tax-free. The account cannot be withdrawn from until you are 59 1/2. There are some rules that you need to keep in mind if you want to withdraw funds from these accounts before you reach 59 1/2. First, your principal (the original deposit amount) cannot be touched. This means that you can't take out more money than you originally contributed. If you take out more than the initial contribution, you must pay tax.

The second rule says that you cannot withdraw your earnings without paying income tax. Withdrawing your earnings will result in you paying taxes. Let's take, for example, $5,000 in annual Roth IRA contributions. Let's further assume you earn $10,000 annually after contributing. The federal income tax on your earnings would amount to $3,500. The remaining $6,500 is yours. Because you can only withdraw what you have initially contributed, this is all you can take out.

So, if you were to take out $4,000 of your earnings, you'd still owe taxes on the remaining $1,500. You'd also lose half the earnings that you took out, as they would be subject to a second 50% tax (half of 40%). Even though you had $7,000 in your Roth IRA account, you only received $4,000.

There are two types if Roth IRAs, Roth and Traditional. Traditional IRAs allow pre-tax contributions to be deducted from your taxable tax income. To withdraw your retirement contribution balance plus interest, your traditional IRA is available to you. There are no restrictions on the amount you can withdraw from a Traditional IRA.

Roth IRAs don't allow you deduct contributions. You can withdraw your entire contribution, plus accrued interests, after you retire. There is no minimum withdrawal required, unlike a traditional IRA. You don't need to wait until your 70 1/2 year old age before you can withdraw your contribution.


What are some of the advantages and disadvantages to a gold IRA

An Individual Retirement Plan (IRA) has a major advantage over regular savings accounts. It doesn't tax any interest earned. An IRA is a great way to save money and not have to pay taxes on the interest you earn. There are some disadvantages to this investment.

To give an example, if your IRA is withdrawn too often, you can lose all your accumulated funds. You may also be prohibited by the IRS from making withdrawals from an IRA after you turn 59 1/2. If you do decide to withdraw funds from your IRA, you'll likely need to pay a penalty fee.

You will also need to pay fees for managing your IRA. Many banks charge between 0.5%-2.0% per year. Other providers charge monthly management costs ranging from $10-50.

Insurance is necessary if you wish to keep your money safe from the banks. Insurance companies will usually require that you have at least $500,000. Insurance that covers losses upto $500,000.

You will need to decide how much gold you wish to use if you opt for a gold IRA. Some providers limit how many ounces you can keep. Others let you pick your weight.

Also, you will need to decide if you want to buy physical gold futures contracts or physical gold. Gold futures contracts are more expensive than physical gold. Futures contracts provide flexibility for purchasing gold. They enable you to establish a contract with an expiration date.

You'll also need to decide what kind of insurance coverage you want. Standard policies don't cover theft protection, loss due to fire, flood or earthquake. It does provide coverage for damage from natural disasters, however. You might consider purchasing additional coverage if your area is at high risk.

Apart from insurance, you should consider the costs of storing your precious metals. Storage costs are not covered by insurance. Additionally, safekeeping is usually charged by banks at around $25-$40 per monthly.

You must first contact a qualified custodian before you open a gold IRA. Custodians keep track of your investments and ensure compliance with federal regulations. Custodians aren't allowed to sell your assets. Instead, they must maintain them for as long a time as you request.

After you have decided on the type of IRA that best suits you, you will need to complete paperwork detailing your goals. Your plan should include information about the investments you want to make, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or real estate. You should also specify how much you want to invest each month.

After completing the forms, send them along with a check or a small deposit to your chosen provider. After reviewing your application, the company will send you a confirmation mail.

If you are thinking of opening a gold IRA for retirement, a financial professional is a great idea. Financial planners are experts at investing and can help you determine which type of IRA is best for you. They can help reduce your expenses by helping you find cheaper alternatives to buying insurance.

How much should you have of gold in your portfolio

The amount of capital required will affect the amount you make. Start small with $5k-10k. As your business grows, you might consider renting out office space or desks. So you don't have all the hassle of paying rent. Rent is only paid per month.

Consider what type of business your company will be running. In my case, I run a website-creation company. Our clients pay us between $1000-2000/month and depending on their order. This is why you should consider what you expect from each client if you're doing this kind of thing.

Freelance work is not likely to pay a monthly salary. The project pays freelancers. This means that you may only be paid once every six months.

So you need to decide what kind of income you want to generate before you know how much gold you will need.

I recommend starting with $1k-$2k of gold and growing from there.


  • If you accidentally make an improper transaction, the IRS will disallow it and count it as a withdrawal, so you would owe income tax on the item's value and, if you are younger than 59 ½, an additional 10% early withdrawal penalty. (
  • Instead, the economy improved, stocks rebounded, and gold plunged, losing 28 percent of its value in 2013. (
  • If you take distributions before hitting 59.5, you'll owe a 10% penalty on the amount withdrawn. (
  • Gold is considered a collectible, and profits from a sale are taxed at a maximum rate of 28 percent. (
  • (Basically, if your GDP grows by 2%, you need miners to dig 2% more gold out of the ground every year to keep prices steady.) (

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The History of Gold as an Asset

From the beginning of history, gold was a popular currency. It was accepted worldwide and became popular due to its durability, purity, divisibility, uniformity, scarcity, and beauty. Due to its value, it was also internationally traded. There was no international standard for measuring gold at that time, so different weights and measures were used around the world. For example, in England, one pound sterling was equal to 24 carats of silver; in France, one livre tournois was equal to 25 carats of gold; in Germany, one mark was equal to 28 carats of gold; etc.

In the 1860s the United States began issuing American currency made up 90% copper (10% zinc) and 0.942 gold (0.942 pure). This resulted in a decline of foreign currency demand and an increase in the price. The price of gold dropped because the United States began to mint large quantities of gold coins. Due to the excessive amount of money flowing into the United States, they had to find a way for them to repay some of their debt. They decided to sell some excess gold to Europe in order to do this.

Since most European countries were not confident in the U.S. dollar they began accepting gold as payment. Many European countries started to accept paper money as a substitute for gold after World War I. The price of gold has risen significantly since then. Today, although the price fluctuates, gold remains one of the safest investments you can make.


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