Bitcoin Technical Analysis: Overcoming $38K Resistance Level

Bitcoin's Recent Price Movement

Between November 16 and 17, 2023, the value of bitcoin (BTC) experienced a significant shift, with its price swinging from $35,579 to $37,904 within a span of 24 hours. Currently, the market activity has stabilized, and bitcoin is trading at $36,387 per unit.

Bitcoin's Current Status

As of November 17, 2023, bitcoin (BTC) is hovering around $36,387 after a day of fluctuating trade. The relative strength index (RSI) stands at 60, indicating a balanced and calm market. Both the exponential moving average (EMA) and the simple moving average (SMA) across various timeframes are showing a combination of sell and buy signals.

Market Analysis and Outlook

Prior to Friday's market activities, bitcoin showed an upward trend, indicating increased buyer interest on Thursday. However, reaching a high near $37,975 led to a significant drop, suggesting a possible corrective phase or the beginning of a trend reversal. The current market dynamics suggest a cautiously optimistic approach to trading strategies for the upcoming weekend.

Opportunities for initiating long positions may arise if bitcoin's price breaks decisively above its recent consolidation peak, particularly if it surpasses $36,500. Such movements should be supported by an increase in trading volume for confirmation. For long trades, it would be prudent to aim for an exit near the previous peak of $37,975, considering this level as a potential resistance zone.

On the other hand, if the price fails to maintain its position above the consolidation figures, a short position with a target near the previous support level of $35,000 could be considered. The market's moderate confidence reflects its underlying strength but also emphasizes the need for caution due to the possibilities of consolidation or reversal. While there have been brief periods of calm, the market can quickly transition into significant fluctuations.

Bullish Perspective

Bitcoin's performance on November 17, 2023, despite its volatility, leans towards a positive trend. The day's high of $37,904 and the closing price above the key psychological level of $36,000 indicate a resilient bullish sentiment.

Bearish Perspective

The bearish perspective on Bitcoin's performance on November 17, 2023, is based on its significant price fluctuations and failure to sustain gains above critical resistance levels. The wide range of the trading day and the closing below the day's high point to potential exhaustion among buyers.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are you able to keep precious metals in your IRA?

The answer depends on whether or not the IRA owner is looking to diversify his holdings in gold and silver, or to keep them for safekeeping.

Two options are available for him if diversification is something he desires. He could either purchase physical bars or silver from a seller, or return these items to the dealer at end of the year. Imagine he doesn't desire to sell off his precious metals investments. He could keep the precious metals as long as he wants to.

How Much of Your IRA Should Include Precious Metals?

Protecting yourself from inflation is best done by investing in precious metals such silver and gold. It's not just for retirement. It can also be used to prepare for economic downturns.

Although gold and silver prices have risen significantly in the past few years they are still considered safe investments. They don't fluctuate quite as much like stocks. Plus, there's always a demand for these materials.

Prices for silver and gold are predictable and usually stable. They are more stable when the economy is growing than they are during recessions. This makes them great money-savers and long-term investments.

Your total portfolio should be 10 percent in precious metals. That percentage could go higher if you want to diversify your portfolio further.

What is the best precious-metal to invest?

The investment of gold is high-returning and has high capital appreciation. It is also immune to inflation and other risk factors. The price of gold tends to rise as people become concerned about inflation.

It's a good idea for you to purchase futures gold. These contracts will guarantee that you will receive a specific amount of gold at an agreed price.

However, gold futures aren't suitable for everyone. Some prefer to have physical gold.

They can trade their precious metals with others. They can also easily sell it whenever they like.

Some people would rather not pay tax on their gold. People buy gold directly from the government in order to avoid paying taxes.

This process requires you to make several trips to your local post office. First convert any gold that is already in circulation into coins or bars.

Next, you will need to stamp the coins or bars. You then send them to US Mint. There they will melt the coins or bars into new ones.

These new bars and coins have the original stamps stamped on them. They are therefore legal tender.

You won't need to pay taxes if gold is purchased directly from the US Mint.

What precious metal would your investment preference be?

What are the three types of IRAs?

There are three types: Roth, Traditional, and SEP. There are three types of IRAs: Roth, Traditional, and SEP. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. We'll go over each of them below.

Traditional Individual Retirement Account (IRA)

A traditional IRA allows you to contribute pre-tax money to an account where you can defer taxes on contributions made now while earning interest. Withdrawals from this account are exempted from tax once you have retired.

Roth IRA

Roth IRAs allow you after-tax dollars to be deposited into an account. Any earnings will grow tax-free. If you withdraw funds for retirement, your withdrawals from the account are exempted of tax.


This is similar with a Roth IRA, but employees are required to make additional contributions. These extra contributions are subject to income tax but any earnings will grow tax-deferred again. When you leave your company, you may convert the entire amount into a Roth IRA.

How can you withdraw from a Precious metal IRA?

If you have a precious IRA company such Goldco International Inc. account, you may be tempted to withdraw your funds. This way, when you decide to sell your metals, they will still be worth much more than if you had left them inside the account.

Here is how to withdraw precious metal IRA funds.

First, you need to find out if the provider of your precious metal IRA allows withdrawals. Some companies offer this option while others do not.

Second, consider whether your sale of metals can allow you to take advantage tax-deferred profits. This benefit is available from most IRA providers. However, some don't.

Third, verify with your precious Metal IRA provider if you are charged any fees for taking these steps. You may have to pay an additional fee for the withdrawal.

Fourth, make sure you keep track for at least three consecutive years of the precious metal IRA investments after you have sold them. For capital gains to be calculated, wait until January 1, each year. You will then need to file Form 8949 which contains instructions on how to calculate the amount of gain that you have realized.

Not only must you file Form 8949 but also have to report to the IRS the sale of precious metals. This is a step that ensures that all sales are taxed.

Consult a trusted attorney and accountant before selling your precious materials. They will ensure you are following all the procedures and avoid making costly mistakes.

Can I have gold in my IRA.

The answer is yes Gold can be added to your retirement plan. Because it doesn't lose any value over time, gold is a great investment. It also protects you against inflation. It doesn't come with taxes.

Before you invest in gold, make sure to understand its differences from other investments. You can't buy shares in companies that make gold unlike bonds or stocks. You cannot also sell them.

Instead, convert your precious metals to cash. This means you will need to get rid. You can't just hold onto it.

This makes gold different than other investments. As with other investments you can always make a profit and sell them later. However, gold is different.

Even worse, gold cannot be used to secure loans. If you get a mortgage, for example, you might have to give up some of the gold you own in order to pay off the loan.

What does all this mean? It's not possible to keep your gold for ever. You'll eventually need to convert it into cash.

You don't need to worry. All you need to do is create an IRA. You can then invest in gold.


  • The maximum yearly contribution to an individual's IRAs is currently $6,000 ($7,000 for those 50 years or older), or 100% of earned income, whichever is less. (
  • The IRS also allows American Eagle coins, even though they do not meet gold's 99.5% purity standard. (
  • To qualify as IRA allowable precious metals and be accepted by STRATA, the following minimum fineness requirements must be met: Gold must be 99.5% pure, silver must be 99.9% pure, and platinum and palladium must both be 99.95% pure. (
  • Silver must be 99.9% pure • (

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How To

How to Open a Precious Metal IRA

Precious and precious metals are one the most sought-after investment vehicles. They offer investors higher returns than traditional investments, such as bonds and stocks. This is why they are so popular. It is worth your time to research and plan before you invest in precious metals. Here are the basics to help you open your precious metal IRA account.

There are two main types to precious metal accounts. The physical precious metallic accounts and the paper gold-silver certificates (GSCs). Each type has advantages and drawbacks. GSCs and physical precious metals accounts can offer diversification, but they are difficult to trade and easy to access. Read on to find out more.

Physical precious Metals accounts consist of bullion, bullion, and bars. While this option provides diversification benefits, it also comes with some drawbacks. The costs involved in buying, storing and selling precious metals can be quite high. Moreover, their large size can be difficult to transport them from one location to another.

However, silver and gold certificates made of paper are quite affordable. They can also be traded online and are easily accessible. This makes them ideal for people who don't want to invest in precious physical metals. But, they're not as well-diversified as physical counterparts. Additionally, they are backed by government agencies like U.S. Mint and could lose value if inflation rates rise.

Make sure you choose the right account to suit your financial situation when opening a precious Metal IRA. The following are important factors to consider before opening an IRA.

  1. Your risk tolerance level
  2. Your preferred asset allocation strategy
  3. What time do you have available to invest?
  4. Whether or not you plan on using the funds for short-term trading purposes
  5. What tax treatment do you prefer?
  6. Which precious metal would you like to place your money in?
  7. How liquid should your portfolio be?
  8. Your retirement age
  9. Where to store precious metals
  10. Your income level
  11. Current savings rate
  12. Your future goals
  13. Your net worth
  14. Consider any special circumstances that could affect your decision
  15. Your overall financial situation
  16. Your preference between physical or paper assets
  17. Your willingness to take risks
  18. Your ability manage losses
  19. Your budget constraints
  20. You desire to be financially independent
  21. Your investment experience
  22. Your familiarity and knowledge of precious metals
  23. Your knowledge about precious metals
  24. Your confidence with the economy
  25. Your personal preferences

After you have determined the type of precious metal IRA that best suits you, you can open an account with a reputable dealer. These dealers can be found via referrals, word-of-mouth, and online research.

Once your precious metal IRA has been opened, you'll need decide how much money you wish to invest. There are different minimum deposits for precious metal IRA accounts. Some account require just $100, while some allow you to put up to $50,000.

As mentioned above, you can decide how much money you want to invest in your precious metal IRA. You might choose to make a larger initial investment if your goal is to build wealth over the long-term. You might prefer a lower initial deposit if you intend to invest smaller amounts every month.

As far as the actual precious metals used in your IRA go, you can purchase any number of different types of investments. The most common include:

  • Gold – Bullion bars, rounds, and coins
  • Silver – Rounds and coins
  • Platinum – Coins
  • Palladium – Round and bar forms
  • Mercury – Round and bar forms


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